7 Essential Steps to Keep Your Heat Exchanger Efficient and Reduce Costs!

plate heat exchanger

Reducing costs is a top priority for every factory, and equipment engineers play a key role in achieving this goal. One effective method is to identify and address bottlenecks in the process. This is especially important for heat exchangers, as operational interruptions can lead to expensive downtime. To help prevent such losses, here are seven key areas to focus on:

STEP 1: Monitor Pressure Drop

Monitoring the pressure drop in the heat exchanger is a critical step that cannot be ignored. Heat exchangers are designed to operate at specific pressure drop levels, and any deviation can cause various problems. An increase in pressure drop indicates an issue that needs immediate attention.

Equipment engineers should stop the operation immediately and investigate the root cause of the pressure drop to take necessary corrective actions. Ignoring this issue can lead to a series of problems, ultimately causing production delays and equipment failure.

STEP 2: Plan for Spare Parts

Imagine if a heat exchanger suddenly stops during production. If you have a spare plate pack on hand, you can quickly replace the faulty part and resume operation. However, if there are no spare parts available, you would have to order from the factory, which can take weeks or even months to arrive. This downtime results in significant time and financial costs for the factory.

Therefore, it is essential to have spare parts or alternative solutions readily available. It is the responsibility of the equipment engineer to ensure that the necessary resources are in place to manage unexpected problems. Keeping spare plate packs near the heat exchanger is one of the most effective ways to ensure smooth operation.

STEP 3: Professional Routine Maintenance

Like other equipment, heat exchangers require regular maintenance to maintain efficient operation. However, attempting to maintain a heat exchanger without proper expertise can lead to poor performance or even damage to the equipment.

Using professional heat exchanger maintenance services can ensure that the equipment always operates efficiently. Experts can also identify any inefficiencies in the current setup and suggest optimizations for the heat exchanger’s performance.

STEP 4: Monitor Heat Exchanger Parameters

Unfortunately, you cannot directly observe the interior of a heat exchanger to monitor its performance. However, you can still "diagnose" it by regularly checking pressure drop and heat exchange efficiency. Sudden changes in these parameters may indicate problems that require immediate attention. Do not ignore these changes or hope they disappear on their own.

If left unchecked, issues like scaling and corrosion can result in reduced efficiency, increased energy costs, and equipment failure. Regular monitoring helps identify and resolve these issues early.

Professional Tip:

Re-evaluating a heat exchanger requires expertise in thermal, fluid dynamics, and material science. It is crucial to involve experienced professionals to ensure that the recalculated equipment meets performance specifications, safety standards, and regulatory requirements.

Shanghai Heat Transfer's "Smart Eye" system utilizes advanced technologies like IoT, AI, and big data for comprehensive monitoring, analysis, diagnosis, and alerting of plate heat exchanger conditions. This system guides users to optimize operation, extend equipment lifespan, reduce maintenance costs, and maximize energy efficiency. 

STEP 5: Refurbishment Services

Heat exchangers are a significant investment for factories, so it makes sense to maximize their use. However, sometimes a heat exchanger may no longer be suitable for its initial purpose. In such cases, buying a new one is not always the best option; old heat exchangers can be refurbished for a new use.

In other words, you can re-evaluate on-site equipment for alternative purposes. This process includes recalculating heat transfer area, fluid velocity, pressure drop, and gasket material to make adjustments based on new requirements. By recalculating, the heat exchanger can meet the factory’s current needs, helping you save on the costs associated with purchasing new equipment.

STEP 6: Address Leaks Immediately

Leaks in heat exchangers are a common issue that can lead to contamination and equipment failure. If you notice a leak, it needs to be addressed immediately to prevent further damage.

Leaks can occur both internally and externally in the heat exchanger, requiring different corrective actions. Internal leaks typically indicate problems with the plates and need immediate replacement to prevent cross-contamination of the fluids.

On the other hand, external leaks usually point to gasket issues, and replacing the gaskets can resolve the problem.

STEP 7: Assemble the Heat Exchanger Correctly

Assembling a heat exchanger may seem easy, but it requires careful attention to detail. Following the operation instructions is crucial to ensure optimal performance.

Pay close attention to the bevel and code on the front of the plates during assembly. Incorrect assembly can lead to decreased performance or increased pressure drop. Additionally, avoid applying too much force when pressing the plates, as this could cause them to crack. Take your time and ensure the plates are correctly aligned and secured.

Professional Tip:

Heat transfer efficiency is not the ultimate goal. We must always consider cost.

Post time: Oct-21-2024