Haina wheketere mo te Whanaketanga Waipara Waiawha Whanui - Whanui Whanui Wea Wera Whakawhiti Wera i whakamahia i roto i te umanga alumina - Shphe

Whakaahuatanga Poto:

Taipitopito Hua

Tohu Hua

Ataata e pa ana

Urupare (2)

Ka piri tonu ki te kaupapa matua o te "Super Top Quality, Satisfactory Service", I whakapau kaha matou ki te noho hei hoa hinonga pakihi pai mo koe.Poipoi Condenser , Heat Exchanger , Nga Tohutohu Whakamutunga Wea Pereti, Ka whakanuia e matou to matou tumuaki matua o te Honesty i roto i nga pakihi, te kaupapa matua i roto i te kamupene, a ka whakapau kaha matou ki te whakarato ki o taatau kaihoko nga taonga kounga teitei me te kaiwhakarato miiharo.
Haina wheketere mo te Whanaketanga Waipara Rawa Whanui - Whanui Whanui Wea Wea Whakawhiti Wera e whakamahia ana i roto i te umanga alumina - Shphe Taipitopito:

Me pehea te mahi

Ko te whakawhiti wera pereti whanui whanui he mea tono motuhake i roto i nga mahi whakamaarama o te reo kei roto he matūriki totoka me te whakatārewatanga muka, te whakamahana me te whakamatao o te wai kirikiri i roto i te tipu huka, mira pepa, whakarewa, waipiro me te ahumahi matū.

E rua nga tauira pereti e waatea ana mo te whakawhiti wera pereti whaanui whanui, ara.tauira kouru me te tauira papatahi.Ka hangahia te hongere rere i waenga i nga papaa ka paiherea tahi.He mihi mo te hoahoa ahurei o te whakawhiti wera whanui whanui, kei te pupuri i te painga o te pai o te whakawhiti wera me te iti o te heke o te pehanga ki runga i etahi atu momo whakawhiti i te tukanga kotahi.

Ano, Ko te hoahoa motuhake o te pereti whakawhiti wera e whakarite ana i te rere maeneene o te wai i roto i te ara whanui whanui.Karekau he “waahi mate”, karekau he tukunga, he aukatinga ranei o nga matūriki totoka, whakatārewatanga ranei, ka mau tonu te rere o te wai i roto i te whakawhiti me te kore e piri.



Ka whakamahia nga kaitahuri wera pereti whaanui mo te whakamahana me te whakamatao kei roto he totoka, muka ranei, hei tauira.

Te tipu huka, te penupenu me te pepa, te whakarewa, te waihano, te hinu me te hau, nga ahumahi matū.

Pērā i:

☆ Putea mātao

☆ tineia te whakamatao wai

☆ He whakamatao hinu

Te hanganga o te kete pereti


☆ Ko te hongere i tetahi taha ka hangaia e nga waahi whakapiri i waenga i nga papaa kowakawaka.Ka rere te reo horoi ki tenei hongere.Ko te hongere kei tera taha he hongere whanui whanui i hangaia i waenga i nga papa kowakawaka-kowakawaka kaore he tohu whakapiri, ka rere te reo pokarekare teitei, te reo ranei kei roto i nga matūriki taratara i roto i tenei hongere.

Ko te hongere i tetahi taha ka hangaia e nga waahi whakapiri kua honoa i waenga i te pereti kowakawaka me te pereti papatahi.Ka rere te reo horoi ki tenei hongere.Ko te hongere i tera taha ka hangaia i waenga i te pereti kowakawaka-kowakawaka me te pereti papatahi me te whanui whanui me te kore he waahi whakapiri.Ko te reo kei roto i nga matūriki taratara me te reo kakao teitei ka rere ki tenei hongere.

Ko te hongere i tetahi taha ka hangaia i waenga i te pereti papatahi me te pereti papatahi ka paiherea ki te tiu.Ko te hongere i tera taha ka hangaia i waenga i nga papa papatahi me te whanui whanui, kaore he waahi whakapiri.He pai nga hongere e rua mo te reo kakao teitei, te reo ranei kei roto nga matūriki me te muka.

Whakaahua taipitopito hua:

Haina wheketere mo te Whanaketanga Wai Parapara Whanui - Whanui Whanui Wea Whakawhiti Pereti Wera i whakamahia i roto i te umanga alumina - Shphe whakaahua taipitopito

Aratohu Hua e Pa ana:
Mahi tahi
Whakawhiti Wea Pereti i hangaia ki te pereti DUPLATE™

I te nuinga o te wa ka mahi matou hei kaimahi tino mohio ka hoatu e matou ki a koe te tino pai rawa atu me te utu hoko pai rawa atu mo Haina wheketere mo te Wide Gap Wastewater Evaporator - Wide Gap Welded Plate Heat Exchanger whakamahia i roto i te ahumahi alumina - Shphe, Ka tukuna e te hua ki te puta noa i te ao, penei: Niger , Georgia , Rome , Inaianei kei a matou he roopu hokohoko whakatapua me te kaha, me te maha o nga manga, e whakatutuki ana i o taatau kaihoko matua.I rapu matou mo nga hononga pakihi mo te wa roa, me te whakarite kia whai hua a maatau kaiwhakarato i roto i te waa poto me te waa roa.
  • He maha nga tau e mahi ana matou ki tenei umanga, e maioha ana matou ki te ahua o te mahi me te kaha whakaputa o te kamupene, he kaihanga rongonui me te ngaio tenei. 5 Whetu Na Christine no Norwegian - 2018.12.30 10:21
    He tino waimarie ki te kimi i tetahi kaihanga ngaio me te kawenga, he pai te kounga o te hua me te wa tika te tuku, tino pai. 5 Whetu Na Astrid no Mozambique - 2017.08.18 18:38
    Tuhia to korero ki konei ka tukuna mai ki a matou