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Cov lus teb (2)

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Lag luam wholesale Nqe Ntau npaum li cas Yog Ib Lub Cuab Yeej Cuab Yeej - Phaj Thaum tshav kub kub Exchanger nrog flanged nozzle - Shphe nthuav dav:

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Phaj Hom Cua Preheater

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Vim li cas phaj kub exchanger?

☆ High heat transfer coefficient

☆ Cov qauv compact tsawg dua ko taw sau

☆ Yooj yim rau kev tu thiab tu

☆ Tsawg fouling yam

☆ Me me kawg-kwv yees kub

☆ Lub teeb yuag

☆ Me me hneev taw

☆ Yooj yim hloov qhov chaw

Tsis muaj

Phaj thickness 0.4 ~ 1.0 hli
Max. tsim siab 3.6MPa
Max. tsim temp. 210ºC

Product details duab:

Lag luam wholesale Nqe Ntau npaum li cas Yog Ib Lub Kub Exchanger - Phaj Heat Exchanger nrog flanged nozzle - Shphe nthuav dav duab

Yam khoom Guide:
Kev koom tes
Phaj Heat Exchanger ua nrog DUPLATE ™ phaj

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